Business IT course - ETA BETA

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Business IT course

ETA BETA organizes a computer course oriented to the management of Small and Medium Enterprises. The course is aimed at private individuals, entrepreneurs or staff responsible for business management based on information technology (IT). It is designed to provide all the essential tools for a correct use of the most common software in use on the market. The methodological system is based on the concept that many computer courses are often given unnecessary or inappropriate notions with reference to the actual application of what has been learned at work; this course allows the learning of concepts that can find useful and effective application, both in the company and in the private use of the Personal Computer. This allows a notable abbreviation of the educational path (the full course has a duration of 24 hours, against 40/50 hours on average offered by competitors at much higher costs), while maintaining an intensive aspect, and therefore ensures that the lessons interfere as little as possible with daily commitments or free time.

Course structure
The course is structured in 4 basic modules and 1 optional (available separately). The following are the modules:
This module allows the learning of techniques - both basic and advanced - for the use of Microsoft Word* as word processing software and its application in:
Correspondence: creation of letters, faxes, labels and personalized envelopes;
Reporting: creation of reports, reports, handouts and other printed material with a professional aspect;
Composition of documents with relative database: forms, invoices, evaluation forms.
The user will be able to master the Microsoft Excel* interface for creating workbooks containing spreadsheets and charts. Some examples of practical application are the following:
Data collection: time sheet, activity calendar, yield sheets, customer details;
Graphic construction: trends, returns, sales/purchases, statistics;
Accounting: costs/revenues, salaries, billing data, management of the current account.
Thanks to the use of Microsoft Publisher* it will be possible to promote the corporate image on the outside, with graphic creations of professional impact, of comparable quality - if not superior - to that of dedicated and much more expensive software. All with the utmost simplicity of management and use. Here are some examples of applications:
Promotional material: brochures, leaflets, flyers, posters, short presentations, conference materials and seminars;
Other material: business cards, identification cards, personalized passes.
It will be possible to learn the fundamental techniques that allow you to keep your Personal Computer in perfect working order, always updated and protected from external attacks by viruses, malware, adware, spyware and hacking. In addition, the user will be able to solve the problems arising from accidental loss of data, the malfunction of the operating system used and incorrect system configurations that slow down or compromise the performance of the computer. Ultimately, the use of specialized external technicians will be reduced to the minimum necessary, with significant economic savings for the company.
In terms of corporate security, the main techniques will be exposed to make their electronic documents inviolable and immune from unwanted changes or the appropriation of others of textual or graphic parts.
Module E (Optional): CREATION OF A WEB SITE
Without knowing any rudiments of programming languages ​​and thanks to the adoption of specific software characterized by simplicity of use, the user will be able to create a complete and professional website. We will also discuss the main techniques for reporting your site to the main search engines. At the end of the form this can be exported on the Internet and therefore made available to the reference customers.
It will only be necessary to know how to use:
a word processing software (such as Microsoft Word*), for processing the contents of the site;
a photo-editing software (which will be illustrated in conjunction with this form), for processing and importing photographic or video material into the site;
his own imagination, to choose the desired design and more appropriate to the corporate image.
The cost of the module includes the purchase and registration of a second level domain such as "" (or .com, .net, .org) with hosting for 12 months and 5 boxes of fully configurable e-mails (such as

Certification issued
At the end of the course a certificate of attendance will be issued with profit certified by ETA BETA as "Expert in computer science for business management".

Duration of the course
The course is individual or aimed at a maximum of 6 students per group; in the absence of a regularly constituted group, it is paid individually, consequently participation is assured.
The basic course (modules A, B, C, D) has a duration of 18 hours (divided into 12 lessons of 1 hour and 30 minutes each). The optional module (E) has a duration of 6 hours (divided into 4 lessons of 1 hour and 30 minutes each). The complete course therefore has a total duration of 24 hours.
The recommended total duration of the course is 2 months (2 lessons per week). In any case, the course can not exceed 3 months. The dates and times of the lessons are freely agreed with the user.

Methods of participation
To take part in the course it is necessary to book at the office, at ETA BETA, via Giacomantonio, 4/A - Cosenza, by appointment to be agreed by calling +39098435697 (Monday to Friday, from 10.00 to 13.30 and from 15.30 to 18.30).
The reservation does not imply any obligation, neither for the aspiring student, nor for the ETA BETA. In the case of acceptance of the reservation request, ETA BETA will give appropriate communication to the aspiring participant who, if interested in attendance, will sign the course registration form.
At the time of subscription, the first advance will be paid, as foreseen by the Cost Plan (available on specific request at our telephone numbers or at the headquarters). In accordance with the laws in force, the student may exercise the right to reconsider, withdrawing from the registration within 10 working days of its signing (by sending a registered letter a/r or a telegram or fax followed by a registered letter with a/r within 48 hours), obtaining the refund of the amount paid as an advance (deducted from the cost of the lessons already attended, which will be regularly invoiced) and without having to pay any amount as a penalty.

Further informations
  • Calling the numbers: +39098435697 - +393476708841 (Monday to Friday: from 10.00 to 13.30 and from 15.30 to 18.30);
  • In place by appointment: ETA BETA S.a.s. - Via Stanislao Giacomantonio, n. 4/A (cross Piazza Loreto) - 87100 Cosenza (the exact location is on our website in the contacts section).

Summary of characteristics
  • Insured participation
  • Dates and times freely negotiable
  • 1 PC workstation for each participant
  • Groups of up to 6 participants
  • Educational material included
  • End of course certificate included
  • Qualified teachers
  • Payment in installments without interest

* Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Internet Explorer and Outlook Express are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.

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